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Delivery time info

Forwarding expenses outside Germany

The costs depend of the weight for each item. Not all articles can be send to foreign countries (please asked before order).

The weight shown in the shop can vary, because of different diameters.


If your country is not listed on the order page, you have to mark : "Other country"

Wenn Unklarheiten in deutscher Sprache geklärt werden können,
ist auch ein günstigerer Versand möglich.

Up to 100g -> 8,00 Euro
101 to 250g -> 10,00 Euro
251 to 1000g -> 15,00 Euro

Since January 2019 we automatically add a new item to the shopping card: ZUSCHLAG-xx, because it is not allowed to send goods
 in letters any longer as we did it befor.


Tires will be shipped only to:
Austria, Belgium, Luxemburg, Niederlande
Tires up to 3 pcs. 13,00 Euro

Chains + chainkits - please ask for detailed shipping cost.
It’s about 30,00 Euro




PDA car mount System: NAVIFIX